Our goal is to provide excellent quality educational and memorable travel experiences for all ages. Iberian Tours is able to share superb quality and service for an excellent value. We eliminate the massive overhead of larger companies while creating personalized, affordable travel experiences.
There are never any unexpected charges on an agreed-upon itinerary.
Our tours are not cookie-cutter trips that explore only the most typical sites, but journeys that dig deeper into the cities, towns, countryside, and cultures. Cooking and dance lessons are just some of the elements that

For many, this may be the first time that your son or daughter is traveling without you. We take this responsibility very seriously. In addition to the highest standards and licensing of our partners in transportation and accommodations, Iberian Tours provides a chaperone, chosen by your leader, for every seven students.
Our full-time professional guide will meet your group at the airport of the destination city and will accompany you through the entire journey. All your guides are certified and licensed and have post-graduate education in the fields of history and art history to provide your group with expert, in-depth information about the places they visit.

Every step of the planning process is made easy for you while choosing or designing your itinerary. We can design an Itinerary based on locations and budget or you can choose from one of our popular journeys. We provide a PowerPoint presentation for the first informational meeting for students and parents, and in addition, our online registration and payment process eliminates paperwork and gives you all the information at your fingertips.
You will have your own professional guide to aid and accompany you for every step of the tour. Our friendly guides are experienced native professionals, fluent in English while being passionate about travel and sharing their culture. Every tour is pre-arranged and facilitated by your guide, therefore you will have the security and confidence to enjoy the journey and focus on your students.